I made this ice cream the last snow storm and have been waiting all January for some more snow so I could share this with you (and of course make it again!).
I LOVE LOVE LOVE maraschino cherries so naturally I realized I just HAD to make a cherry flavored snow ice cream. My Mom makes a similar version with regular ice cream in the summer so I just changed her recipe to create a snow-friendly version and I just love the nice pink color the ice cream turns from the cherry juice (not to mention the flavor!).
Happy snow day!
Cherry Chocolate Chip Snow Ice Cream
2017-01-31 07:56:47
- 8 cups of fresh clean snow
- 2 TBS of maraschino cherry juice
- 1/2 a jar of chopped maraschino cherries (this is approximate...all depends on how much topping you like in your ice cream!
- 1/4 to 1/3 cup of mini chocolate chips (I used 1/4 of a cup...again it really depends on how much topping you like in your ice cream!).
- 1 can of sweetened condensed milk (14oz)
- 1. Freeze a large bowl or place bowl out in snow for half an hour or so.
- 2. Chop cherries and set aside. Measure out chocolate chips and set aside.
- 3. Collect snow in bowl.
- 4. Pour condensed milk over the snow and add 2 TBS of cherry juice.
- 5. Mix to combine.
- 6. If eating right away add the cherries and chocolate chips.
- 7. If not, you can place the snow ice cream mixture (or the remainder of the snow ice cream you have not eaten!) in your ice cream maker.
- 8. Once the cycle is complete fold in the cherries and mini chocolate chips.
- 9. Freeze over night and enjoy the next day!
- While putting the mixture in the ice cream maker is not necessary I feel that the snow cream is creamer and more presentable to serve to other people. However if you are looking for a fun activity to do with the kiddos or just enjoy some yummy snow cream yourself no need to do this step just enjoy immediately!
Lil Celebrations https://www.lilcelebrations.com/